About Me
Building a New Home

If you plan to build a new home, you will no doubt have lots of questions about how best to proceed. I am here to help you to understand the different things you need to consider when planning and constructing a new property. I don't work in the construction industry but last year, I successfully built a new property using a team of construction contractors. The contractors were real professionals who worked quickly and to a very high standard. They were very kind to me and took the time to explain exactly what they were doing at each stage of the construction job.


Why Choose Resin Injection Underpinning Instead of Concrete?

9 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

It could be there are cracks in your foundation, or maybe soil has moved beneath your property. Regardless of the problem, you'll need to seek out the services of an underpinning contractor to avoid experiencing serious property damage. It used to be that all underpinning involved concrete. For over 100 years, holes would be dug beneath the home and concrete poured in to improve stability – when the concrete sets, you'll have essentially created a whole new foundation. Read More …

5 Tips for Helping Your Turf During Periods of Drought

7 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Periods of drought can take a toll on your turf. It can be disheartening to see a beautiful lawn turning brown. To help your turf during such dry periods, simply follow these five tips. 1. Use a De-Thatcher Thatch refers to the accumulation of organic matter over your turf. This can include dead grass, leaves, and weed growth. It's vital to get rid of thatch during periods of drought since it affects the health of grass and makes it much harder for water to get down to the root zone. Read More …

The Different Ways Glass Splashbacks Can Benefit Your Kitchen

5 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your choice of materials that will be used in your kitchen will provide you with different functional benefits. For instance, granite and marble tend to be popular choices for benchtops due to how durable and strong they are. When it comes to splashbacks, homeowners tend to gravitate toward tiles, as this is the conventional option. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a way to update the appearance of your kitchen and enhance its aesthetic, then you should consider glass splashbacks. Read More …

Follow These Tips When Selecting the Most Appropriate Abrasive Sand Blasting Media

5 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Grit blasting has become the most popular method of removing old media from surfaces and covering them with new and better media. The process is also used to remove rust and grime from surfaces before preparing the surfaces for painting. Some of the most common blasting mediums include bead blasting, hydro blasting, bristle blasting, automated blasting and many others. Picking one from the many blasting mediums available in the market may seem a little complicated. Read More …

How to Plan a Cattle Feed Bunk

30 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Concrete feed bunks streamline the way cattle are fed. These bunks are basically troughs that your cattle feed from that run along areas of your farm's land or its buildings. They are a useful food receptacle and make it easier for members of a herd to get the right amount of feed at the right times. Deciding to install a feed bunk does take some thought, however. You need to make sure that you build the right size of bunk for your livestock's needs. Read More …